Client Requirements for Website Design

When conducting a Web design project, preparation is paramount. The client should have an idea of his or her budget, requirements and goals. Neglecting the preparation stage can result in confusion, disorganization, and a less-than-satisfactory outcome. The website design checklist below outlines some of the main factors to consider when preparing to work with a professional website design agency. Making sure these aspects are considered will ensure a smooth working relationship and a flawless outcome.

It doesn’t matter what stage you are at with your website design idea. You can use this blog as a great reference point. This is a general guide that we have written, and not every concepts in this article may apply to your website design. But most certainly will, as most listings are essential aspects of any website. However, it’s important to note that if you already have a website designed by us, the information we detail here will be required before you start creating and designing your website. 

Website Design Requirements

Your idea and vision for the project is arguably the most important part of the entire preparation process. Let us know about your ideas! What do you want the site to be used for? Does your WordPress site require WooCommerce functionality to allow customers to shop online? Let us know as much as possible!
It’s important to have everything in a clear and easy-to-follow structure for us. Your ideas and visions can be collected into word file or documents, if you wish you can email it to us. Or we can meet over video call or coffee in person and you can tell us about your new website concept.

Color Scheme

If you have a specific color that needs to be featured throughout the site. You will need to let us know. You may also provide us 6-digit hex color code for the color you want to use. We recommend using the Hex Color Picker website here – Hex Color Picker. For a website design, we usually like to use up to 3 or 4 primary colors. With these 2 colors are usually black or white. The color you give us from the hex color chart will usually be your brand color. Or the primary color you want to use in your website design theme and other marketing materials, including your logo.

Website Content Requirements

Forming the base and bolts of your website is your website content! We’ve broken this concept down into a list of your images, mockups, text contents and logo. Depending on your site requirements, what you need may be different or you may need to provide us with more content. For example, they can include videos, PDFs, or any other graphics you need in your design. The template you provide should reference the filenames of any specific content you need in the site design.


You’ll need to provide us with this. The logo asset files should be provided as a .png / .psd/ .ai or .eps file type. Allowing us to edit the logo’s design and size where required to fit within your websites pages. The logo is often edited purely for the purpose of the website design.

If you don’t yet have a logo for your website, reach out to us for a quote for our graphic design service. Allowing us to design a professional logo for your business as part of the build.

Text and Content

The text content should be detailed in a separate document for each page. The text content can be provided to us as a Word document (.doc), PDF or as a Text document (.txt), either is fine.

This is all part of your website design project management plan which we will have put in place and provided you with ahead of development. This is a requirement of all BTS Technology Ltd.’s services.

Domain and Web Hosting

If your domain was not purchased through us here at BTS Hosting. And/or you have your hosting with another company. For us to be able to implement your website live, we’ll require login access to domain and/or hosting control panel to apply the settings. Even if you have your domain purchased elsewhere. But you are having your website hosting from us. We’ll still need access to the domain settings to apply changes to the DNS to point to the new website.

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