Custom CRM Solution

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Have your own Customized CRM at an affordable Price!

Managing the Soul of your Business with Effective CRM Solution The ever-increasing demands are making every business strive hard to find new and better solutions in terms of technologies and procedures to outperform their competitors and to really and effectively leave an impact on the minds of their customers.

In today’s ever-evolving economy, CRM space has seen a tremendous transformation from just a thought to forming a meticulous strategy to lure your customers into this open market space. An effective CRM strategy not only curtails down the operational costs but also helps high-performing organizations with effective decision-making regarding the key investment areas to increase the returns on investments (ROI) to catalyze the future success rate.

CRM – The New Language at BTS to keep your Customers Ever-Smiling

At BTS, we are no short of options in providing you with top-rated and comprehensive CRM solutions. Our supreme focus is on bridging the gap between you and your global audience by building a bridge on the strong foundation of a perfect relationship.

With our decades of experience and in-depth knowledgebase about various and sundry business processes such as revenue management, effective go-to-market strategies, sales, and support services, we can assure you with the best-of-the-best customer service, better outreach to your customers, greater penetration into the open market, streamlined business processes, reduced operational costs, and increased revenues, to realistically realize your business objectives.

We have strategic alliances in place with the top technology vendors to keep your organization stay current on the technology, and to help you stay on top of ever-evolving market trends.

One-Stop-Shop for a Comprehensive CRM Enterprise Solution – Services

Portfolio Business consulting: Selection and evaluation of right technological tools, feasibility study, project scoping, customizable reporting mechanisms and metrics, compliance audits, and on-site health checks.

Project implementation: Go-to-market strategy, gap analysis, functionality roadmap, Data mining and migration, deployment, and worldwide rollouts.

Project integration options and customization: Customized reporting system, object development, and integration with your existing CRM.

Critical analysis with analytics and business intelligence: Need scrutiny, data management and load distribution, and reporting.

Unified customer data management: Capturing relevant customer demographics, real-time redundancy checks, error management, and reporting.

Maintenance and support:

Application Maintenance, Administration and support
Database management, administration and support
Performance evaluation and fine tuning
Tracking and implementation of Request for Enhancements (RFEs)

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(10am - 05 pm)