Email Hosting (@your domain)

Email Hosting for Personal or for Business

Create your own customised email solution @domain, example Your name@your domain.

Our EMAIL Hosting service keeps you clean and secured ad-free and safe from online viruses and threats due to our advanced Spam filtering. You can also add a second layer of protection by activating Two Factor Authentication. Our Email hosting service comes with 25 GB of email box space per user.

It is a quite challenging task for any business to have a cleaned and virus-free email system, we at BTS have this in mind therefore we are pleased to provide you with the best cost-effective cleaned, and reliable email system for you.


Robust Email Solution from BTS

Our e-mail solution is a full-featured email, group chat and a team collaboration service that is a perfect alternative for major mailing services. It is designed to provide, all the functionalities that the business needs, without sacrificing secure, reliable access to business and personal, communication.

Our Mail system includes one of the most powerful browser-based webmail clients on the market. It is compatible with all major desktop and mobile web browsers.

Using the webmail clients eliminates the necessity of any other software. From email clients to calendar apps, freeing up disk space and eliminating the maintenance tasks that come from having more software installed on laptops and personal computers, it is definitely one hell of a task



  • 5GB Mailbox
  • Sending Limit 500mail/hr
  • Attachment size 25MB
  • Calender
  • Contact
  • Task
  • Notes
  • Spam Protection
  • Antivirus Protection
  • Dual Delivery


  • 10GB Mailbox
  • Sending Limit 1000mail/hr
  • Attachment size 25MB
  • Calender
  • Contact
  • Task
  • Notes
  • Spam Protection
  • Antivirus Protection
  • Dual Delivery


  • 25GB Mailbox
  • Sending Limit 1000mail/hr
  • Attachment size 25MB
  • Calender
  • Contact
  • Task
  • Notes
  • Spam Protection
  • Antivirus Protection
  • Dual Delivery



Multi-layered spam prevention is included, for free, with any Mail Solution plan.


Contains industry standard antivirus protection through Cyren Zero-Hour Outbreak Detection


A robust team chat/team meeting solution that makes working with multiple different people, locations, efficient and effective.


E-mail Templates, image uploader, WYSIWYG editor, bounce handling, built-in spam checking, inbox preview and top of the industry deliverability rates.


Automatically send a pre-configured list of personalized e-mails to reach your intended audience.


Put your follow up tasks on autopilot with triggers. Send birthday and anniversary reminder or promotion emails, move contacts between lists when they open your email or click a link and a whole lot more!


E-mail Templates, image uploader, WYSIWYG editor, bounce handling, built-in spam checking, inbox preview and top of the industry deliverability rates.


Find the best performing version of your email using split testing, then send it to your list.


See who opened your email, when and which links they clicked – in one useful report.

Want to know more about Email Solution?

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)