Email Security

Powerful email security solutions

Powered by SpamExperts

SpamExperts helps  IT companies  strengthen email protection. Services include affordable inbound and outbound email filtering and archiving solutions—driven by a continuously updated Intelligent Protection & Filtering Engine to meet emerging threats. 

Give your Clients added value service by offering these spam experts to their Email Service.  Deploy our enterprise-grade solutions to secure and archive email. Help protect your customers with efficient first-level incoming filter defence that runs in front of the email infrastructure, improving resource efficiency and saving hosting servers’ resources.

Benefit from a rich array of features, via a user-friendly interface with multilevel control, live quarantine, and regular new releases. The solution offers multilevel control and additional email continuity via storing emails and retrying delivery during outages or downtime.

Why Do You Need Email Protection

Our standard hosting provides a basic, always-on protection that can be manually managed within the hosting manager. But with Premium Email Protection, it keeps all unwanted and harmful emails away from your inbox with the combined power of a built-in Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam. Upgrade your protection today with no setup required!

SpamExperts Email Plan

$42per year
  • Expert Spam filtering and real-time detection
  • Optimal protection against inbound spam
  • Accessible panel without any login or registration
  • Single Domain

Benefits of Email Security

White knight for virus & malware attacks
  • Auto-detects new spam and virus outbreak.
  • Scalability and redundancy
  • Lower churn rate, higher user satisfaction.
Boosts employee efficiency
  • Friendly multi-tier web interface
  • Reduced number of wasteful emails
  • Enhanced time management
Reduces infrastructure load
  • Reduce load and bandwidth of your current email infrastructure
  • Turn off your own spam filter and reduce the load on your server
  • Increase the performance of shared resources
Smooth management
  • Domain and User based.
  • Fully managed service, freeing in-house IT resources.
  • Automatically updates new definition and protection algorithms.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)