Reseller Hosting

We strive each day to adapt, develop, and progress our Reseller platform to ensure you’re always using the latest technology to meet the needs of your customers. We believe in continuous innovation of our infrastructure, giving you a tremendous competitive advantage over other hosts, creating loyal customers.


Grow your business on the hosting platform of choice. Powered by cPanel.


£14.99per month
  • 15 cPanel Accounts
  • 25GB SSD Storage
  • 2 CPU Cores / 2GB RAM (Per cPanel Account)
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • Unlimited Email
  • Centralised Management
  • DDoS Protection


£54.99per month
  • 100 cPanel Accounts
  • 120GB SSD Storage
  • 2 CPU Cores / 2GB RAM (Per cPanel Account)
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • Unlimited Email
  • Centralised Management
  • DDoS Protection

White Label Reseller Hosting

Our reseller hosting is completely white-label and unbranded throughout. Upload your own logo, or use the generic and iconic ‘cPanel’ branding, and choose from a range of themes and styles.

Private nameservers are included free of charge.


cPanel is the leading control panel on the market today, designed to provide you and your clients
with an outstanding hosting experience.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)