Web Design & Development

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Every business needs an effective web presence whether purely virtual orbrick-and-mortar store.The best Web presence starts with a Premium Web design, built specifically for SEO and digital marketing and designed according to your local niche.

In each project, our goal is to create premium professionally designed websites that showcases the best technology and are built for SEO and digital marketing. This involves using the latest technology and using the best design for the business niche to execute a clean, elegant, premium website for your business that works 24/7 to bring you more leads and convert those leads into paying customers.

website design


We offer website design and web marketing services using the latest web technology tools available. To make your business “online presence” and to stay at the forefront of your competitors, we study your needs and understand your business segment and then create a unique site design. This is then edited according to the client’s feedback before it gets published.

Our skilled team of web designers, graphic designers and web developers offers the best website designing services for responsive website, dynamic website, CMS driven website, e-commerce website and open source website. We have a vast experience in creating web portals for our clients from varied industry segments across the globe.

We provide our clients a visually appealing yet productive website that attracts maximum number of visitors thereby yielding more profit and increased revenue. We also offer range of web marketing services which can be used to promote your site to generate more traffic in the world of digital marketing.

Every client at BTS TECH is a “valued client”. We provide the very best and ONLY the very best value service to each and every client. We are able to guarantee such high levels of consistency across all our major projects by means of our own proven, proprietary methodology.

eCommerce Solutions

e-Commerce is one of the most lucrative businesses today. But the secret of a successful e-commerce business lies not in attractive human faces but an attractive and user-friendly website. If you are planning to start an e-commerce business, the stepping stone would be your website and that’s where we chip in.

BTS Tech Webdesign team has mastered the art of e-Commerce portal development and is providing top class, comprehensive, and end-to-end turnkey solutions for highly interactive and user-friendly e-Commerce websites suited as per the business goal of each client and industry. Our designs are highly creative with supreme focus on user engagement and user experience to make each user feel like he owns the space and can keep shopping forever. Read More

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+44 411 436096

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0208 123 3712

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)